The documentary
We board the "Kraken" (a 3-masted sailing ship) to discover the impact that man has had on the sea today. To make the documentary, the crew and eco-volunteers of the "Wings of the Ocean" association welcomed us and here they will tell us how we can all protect the balance and biodiversity of the marine environment.
Our life is linked to the health of the planet
Today the planet is asking us for help. Forests and oceans are the planet's lungs, each supplying the 50% of our oxygen. The impact of human activity on the planet has made marine and terrestrial life unsustainable.
Overfishing, plastic pollution, sea acidification, modification of marine species, it's all interconnected. If we don't slow down our activities, in 20 years the world we know today will no longer exist.
A possible change
This is the philosophy behind the "Wings of the Ocean" project which, with its zero-impact floating laboratory, has the concrete objective of raising awareness and collecting the plastic that pollutes our sea and its coasts.

An AreFilms production
Conserving and using the oceans, seas and marine resources in a lasting way is one of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) that we want to support and tell through this documentary. Explaining how and why to act is important. Beautiful people protect us and our oceans and show us how to do it in a simple and concrete way.

Join the depollution crew
Wings of the Ocean is a French NGO created in 2018 and which operates aboard the Kraken, a 45m long 3-masted Tallship. The Kraken's crew is also active on the beaches to clean up as much pollution as possible in the Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea.